Student Support
May 19, 2022 2025-01-15 3:09Student Support
Student Welfare
At Hopkins, we understand the enormous pressure some students face during their studies.
The two most common problems students face are academic and emotional pressures, particularly international students living away from the comfort of their own home, family and friends.
Hopkins has policies and procedures in place to support both domestic and international students. In addition to the excellent support of trainers and administration staff, dedicated full-time Student Welfare Officers are available to support students, and counselling is confidential and free.
Local city Councils also provide international students with many free social networking events, giving them the opportunity to meet other students and local industry experts.
Hopkins Student Welfare Officers in collaboration with our trainers also assist students with study related issues. This may include study skills, time management, exam preparation, students with special needs and stress management.
If you find yourself homeless or in distress, there are places you can go for help. Please click on the link below to get the list of support providers.
Academic Support
Hopkins is committed to ensuring equity in education by helping students who have specific learning difficulties and/or disabilities gain their qualification. Hopkins assists students in acquiring the tools and knowledge to enable them to participate as learners at Hopkins.
We respect and respond to those with learning difficulties, disabilities and/or impairments and will offer them the same rights and opportunities as other students. This will include the opportunity to perform and complete assessments by reasonable adjustments. This may include modifying the learning environment or making changes to the teaching methods.
Discussions and planning for students with disabilities, learning difficulties and special needs will begin immediately from the point of enrolment. Strategies put in place to support students are regularly monitored during the student’s course of study.
Language Support
Hopkins International College uses LLN Robot (Language, Literacy and Numeracy ) to determine the LLN abilities of each student to ensure each student enrolled in this course have the required LLN skills to complete the course. LLN Robot is a purpose-built diagnostic tool to determine the ACSF/Core skills level of a Unit of Competency. The LLN Robot Online LLN Assessment has been designed to give an indication of a student’s abilities across the 5 Core skills of the ACSF. These are Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication and Numeracy. The outcome of the online assessment is the first step in considering the support needs of the student.
LLN robot has two online assessments to choose from based on the requirements of the course of study. One assessment test up to ACSF level 3 while the other tests up to ACSF level 4.
This process addresses a student’s LLN suitability prior to the enrolment into appropriate course. In the instance where suitability has not been met, Hopkins International College will collaborate with the prospective student to help find an external provider to help them gain the LLN requirements needed.
Prospective students need to meet certain levels as determined by ACSF.
Individuals who require additional help with Language, Literacy and Numeracy LLN can also access information by calling the Reading Writing Hotline on 1300 655 506 or refer to their website on